Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ok. ok. ok. Is she not just the cutest? now that's out of the way let's get onto the more pressing issues. Things that annoyed me today.

1. People who take lifts to go 1 floor and look at you like you're satan's dance partner. I have a goddam pram - with a baby in it! I need the lift. You are a lazy sodding twisted testicle! I get to go in the lift before you, you lazy snot nosed thoughtless breath of carbuncle.

2. The person who comes and sits NEXT to you when there are 100 other empty seats. FUCK OFF and find your own mates.

3. Old ladies who insist on telling you about their grandchildren. Now, it's cute that old ladies always want to say hello to the baby. I love that. Old people and babies are a perfect match in many many ways. But I am not interested in a 25 minute story about your 7 year old grand daughters birthday and her mothers inability to have a relationship with the father or how your sister decided not to have children and at 60 still doesn't regret it OR your opinions on the use of the dummy....

Ok. to balance these out i'll have to tell you about the gorgeous old man who helped me get my pram up some goofy sydney stairs and how the guy who owns the coffee shop loves Bella and says she makes him feel like having another baby. And how the sun shone down today and Bella and I had lunch overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Beautiful


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